Saturday, March 23, 2013

High Flow

Addi has been doing so well on the CPAP machine and her settings were as low as they could go, so Dr. Richardson decided to move her to the High Flow machine.  She is doing all the work now.  The machine is just blowing oxygen into her nose but it's not helping her to breathe or expand her lungs like all of the other machines have so far.  She's doing really good with it so far.  She has been having a lot of residual milk coming back up again after her feedings.  The doctor thinks that is happening because there is so much air in her stomach from the CPAP and he is hopeful that with the High Flow she won't get as much air in her stomach and be able to digest her milk a little better.

This is the sight that awaited Bert when he got in to change Jordyn's diaper tonight.  She had moved around so much that she had shimmied her diaper right off.  Needless to say, Kim had to change all of her linens.  Jordyn's heart rate has been so much better today.  She still has moments where it gets really high but that is a common side effect of the steroid that she is on.  It's not dipping down low today and isn't affecting her saturation levels.  Dr. Richardson is still puzzled about it, but thankfully Jordyn seems to have fixed it on her own.  Keep your fingers crossed that it stays fixed.

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