Sunday, March 24, 2013


Addi is still on the High Flow today.  She seems to be really tired and Brenda is concerned that the machine is wearing her out.  Brenda said that they would watch her carefully and if she gets any more fatigued then they will switch her back over to the CPAP to give her a break.  They turned up her flow a little more so hopefully she'll be able to stay on that machine.  Her stomach was very distended today and hard so Brenda ordered an x-ray of her stomach.  It showed a lot of air and milk in their so the nurses are going to give her some suppositories to help move things along for her.

Jordyn didn't have any changes today.  She is growing so much and tolerating her feedings really well.  Brenda asked me if there was anything she could do for me today and I said she could help Jordyn get past the NIPV and onto a new machine like Addi's.  Brenda told me she would much rather see a baby who is tolerating their feedings well and growing than a baby who can breathe all on their own.  She said that if they are growing and healthy, then all of the other stuff will catch up.  Jordyn gets a lot of comments about how feisty she is.  She can get super mad, really fast.  The nurses all say it in a complimentary way though because they think being feisty is a really good thing in the NICU.  They would much rather have a baby who puts up a fight then one who just lays there.  Jordyn definitely keeps them busy with her heart rate, saturation, and her temper tantrums!

1 comment:

Hansens said...

It's great to see these babies growing so much. They are looking more and more Like normal sized babies in every picture. So happy for you guys to see them doing well.