Monday, March 11, 2013

Clean and Fresh

Addi was wide awake again today when I was there for the 10:00 Cares.  It's so fun to see her awake and sucking on her pacifier and looking around.  She had to have a blood transfusion today because her hemoglobin was low.  The doctor, Tawny, said that they found a tiny bit of blood in her stool last night and so they are concerned about that.  They took an x-ray of her stomach but it looked fine.  Addi had a bunch of labs done today and some of her numbers came back low.  Tawny is concerned that she might not be getting enough nutrition and would need to add some more through her IV.  The other option would be another infection somewhere in her body so I am really, really, really hoping it is the first thing.

Jordyn has officially opened both of her eyes.  I'm sure she would have gotten them open sooner if she hadn't been on the CPAP machine.  It makes her eyes get swollen and puffy and it was even harder for her to get them open.  Bert and I went for the 7:00 Cares and Candace was our nurse.  I helped give both of the girls a sponge bath and then Bert held Addison while I held Jordyn.  They both did great with their oxygen while we held them tonight.  That made me feel so much better after what happened yesterday.  Candace changed out their linens on their beds while we held them so they are nice and clean tonight.  Addi weighs 2 lbs7 oz now and Jordyn is 2 lbs 10 oz.


Unknown said...

That picture of you and Addi is so precious. She is just looking up at you, so alert and adorable! It is good to hear that the babies are growing. We will still continue to pray for those cuties. I hope that Addi's numbers come back up and no more infections. Love you guys!

Emily said...

I love that picture of you Holly! You look so pretty and so in love with your baby girl. I'm keeping you guys in my prayers.

Kirst said...

Holls so happy to see your girls growing- they are just adorable! We have been praying for you all and will continue. Hope everything goes well and no more infections!!! Sure love ya!

Hansens said...

So glad things seem to be going well and they are growing and improving every day. You guys have been in our thoughts. We would love to help you in any way we can . Just let us know