Friday, April 19, 2013

Photo Shoot

After we gave the girls a bath tonight, we got them all dressed up and ready for a photo shoot.  Linda came over and took some way cute pictures of them for their 2 month old birthday sign that hangs above their bed.  Linda's very serious about her job and lays down a blanket backdrop and tries to hide as many of the cords and tubes as she can.  They turned out really cute and we even caught a couple of smiles.

Jordyn was weaned down to a 2 on her High Flow today.  As long as she does well with it and doesn't have to be turned back up again then I can start the breastfeeding process with her.  She will get a smaller cannula and her feeding tubes will move to her nose just like Addi's.  Poor little Addi has been so stuffed up lately and Carly is concerned that she might be getting sick.  Carly said she would watch her but not tell anyone else about it yet because if a baby gets a virus then they have to be put in an isolation room for the rest of their stay at the NICU.  That sounds horrible so we are really hoping and praying that her stuffiness will clear up soon.  Hopefully she's just all dried out from having that oxygen blowing in her nose all the time.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Adorable! I'll pray that they stay healthy.