Sunday, April 7, 2013

Conference Sunday

We had a great day.  Carly texted me this morning to tell me that Jordyn had been weaned down to an 8 on her PEEP and as long as Carly kept her on her belly or her left side, she didn't swing as much.  While I was snuggling with Jordyn last night I gave her a little pep talk and told her she needed to catch up to her sister.  I guess she listened to some of it.  While Bert was holding her today, her stats were so good and she was super low on her FIO2.

The green number is her heart rate, blue is oxygen saturation level, and white is her respiratory rate.  The graph at the bottom also shows what her saturation level is but it's drawn out over an hour.  For her age and size she needs to stay between 88 - 95 % and she was above 80 for most of the time Bert was holding her.  Usually she is dipping down into the 60's or lower.  I'm happy to see her doing so well.

The girls always get measured on Sundays so I made sure to ask our nurse tonight.  Addi is now just over 16 inches long (she was 12.5 when she was born) and weighs 3 lbs 9 oz or 1613 grams (she was 805 when she was born).  Jordyn is 17 inches long (she was 13 at birth) and weighs 1711 grams (3 lbs 12 oz).  She was 820 when she was born.  The girls were born 8 weeks ago yesterday and have both already doubled their birth weight.

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