Monday, February 11, 2013


Holly called and said that the babies are doing great and the doctor came in and said that she will be able to go home tomorrow instead of Wednesday.  I went in to work as the plan was to have Linda watch the kids so that I can try and work when it's convenient and save up some vacation days as there will be plenty of times I will need to be at home to take care of the family.  Everyone at work was completely shocked at what transpired over the weekend.  Holly ended up calling me around lunchtime and was having an emotional day (can you blame her?). I'm sure she was extra lonely with everyone doing their thing and her without a baby to care for. I bagged the plan of working and came to the hospital to be with her.  She seemed to have a much better afternoon.

We finally sat down and made a decision on the names.  Baby A is now named Addison Claire, and Baby B is Jordyn Elizabeth.  We let Jackson and Cooper pick the middle names.  Cooper has 3 Claire's in his class and wanted us to name her Claire G to distinguish which Claire we're talking about.  Hopefully Cooper will be fine with just Claire.  Jackson chose Elizabeth because he likes that name.

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