Friday, February 22, 2013

Milk Supply

The lactation consultants that work in the NICU have been giving me lots of good advice and because I have twins they wanted me to be able to pump 32 oz of milk in a day.  They wanted me to get there by the time the babies were 2 weeks old.  At first I didn't think that even sounded possible considering a week ago I was only getting 15 oz, but I am very excited to report that I was able to pump 34 oz today (one day shy of their 2 week birthday).

They had me bring all my milk in for about the first week because they want to use all the colostrum on the babies first, then they will have me bring in fresh milk daily.  In the meantime I am supposed to keep pumping and freezing it.  My freezer is already filling up, but it will all get used when I get these babies home with me.  And while we're on the topic...Cooper saw me getting ready to pump the other day and said to me, "Are you going to do that boob thing again?"  Yes, Cooper, I'm going to be doing that boob thing A LOT!


Emily said...

That is so funny! Way to go Holly! You're amazing! Sure love ya.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! Hang in there, we're praying for you guys ((hugs))

Rosie and Derek said...

Love it, that is hilarious!