Saturday, February 14, 2009


My cute boys in their new shirts from their Nana. They are so funny together. They played with their cousin Stephanie tonight while Bert and I went to see New In Town and tried out the new Iggy's Sports Grill. We both liked the movie and we loved the restaurant. Very yummy food!!My sister and her husband brought over some valentines donuts for the boys to eat for breakfast! They loved it!
I'm usually not that into Valentine's Day, but I have enjoyed it this year. My table is full of cookies and candy from neighbors and family. There goes my diet!:)


brandya said...

Ahh, how sweet. My little tiny Sunbeams came and heart attacked my door! I love Valentine's Day (sometimes.) Please, keep us updated on the poop in the potty. I hope that he loves his tokens enough to let ya know. You are wonderful! I have always wondered about that part of being a up accident after accident. I'm not so sure I have the patience. Perhaps that is why I'm not a mommy yet. :) Love ya girl

Pays said...

I'm sad I didn't get to see you at the movie. Glad you liked it. Looks like you had a fabulous day!

SW Portraits said...

Your boys are soooo dang cute!