Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Horrible Sleepers

The girls have been horrible sleepers lately.  They get up 3-4 times each at night.  They have gotten into the habit of being rocked to sleep so they wake up and want to cuddle.  Sometimes they'll go right back to sleep but last night Addi woke up so I got up to rock her back to sleep but as soon as I tried to lay her down she would wake back up again and we would have to start all over again.  Bert and I have been taking turns getting up and we are both exhausted.  All of our other kids would get to this point and we would just let them cry but the idea of doing that with 2 seems so overwhelming.  Plus, Jordyn is still on oxygen at night so we usually swaddle her arms down so she doesn't yank it off her face.  Anyway, I woke up ready for a change so I've been researching online and this is a popular book on my Moms of Multiples Facebook group so I bought it and, if I can stay awake long enough to read it, we'll be able to fix this problem.

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