Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I took Addi to the Cardiologist today for a follow-up appointment.  She was pretty fussy and tired during the appointment and she cried the whole time he was trying to listen to her heart with the stethoscope.  So he can't say 100% but he's fairly certain her PDA has closed off on his own.  He thinks she would have a lack of energy and not be eating good or gaining weight if that were still open.  He wants me to come back again in 6 months to check if the ASD valve has closed off or not.  Who knows about all this stuff?  I just do what I'm told. :)

I asked him about Jordyn and told him about the times when I have tried to wean her and how it didn't go well.  The last time I brought her into his office was back in July and he told me he didn't want me to bring her in again until she was off her oxygen.  And at the time he assured me it would be just a few more months.  I explained how frustrated I was with our lack of progress and with the equipment I have to work with.  He wants me to make an appointment for her and bring her in soon for a check-up with him.  Hopefully he'll be able to figure it all out for me.

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