Thursday, June 27, 2013

Home Again

After 11 days she is finally ready to come home!  The speech therapist came in to feed Jordyn this morning before I got there and then wanted to come back in the afternoon to try feeding her a bottle with just breastmilk and no bananas mixed in.  I fed Jordyn while she listened to her swallow with a stethoscope.  Jordyn did just fine, which really surprised the speech therapist because she has never had a baby with a paralyzed vocal chord pass a swallow study and do so well with straight breastmilk.  She kept listening again and again because she just couldn't believe it.  She doesn't know how Jordyn is doing it, but she is making it work and doing great!

I was worried about how our night would go because Addi hasn't been sleeping very good lately and Jordyn's schedule is all messed up from being in the hospital, but it  was actually a really good night.  Both girls slept great!  I think they missed each other.

1 comment:

Hansens said...

So glad things seem to be going better for her. Been thinking about you all.