Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Why are there so many kids movies and books with mice as the main characters?  They always make them look so cute and lovable.  They are nothing like that!  I was helping Jacks get ready for school this morning and Cooper said he saw a mouse.  I didn't believe him right away because my sister, Tiff, has had a mouse in her house and so mice have been the topic of many conversations lately.  So I went over to look where he said and then he told me he saw it again run into the bathroom.  I went over there and turned on the light and stood in the hallway to peer in and it came darting back out again and into their room.  I screamed.  I couldn't help it!  I wish I hadn't because it scared the boys pretty bad and they started crying.  I grabbed Cooper, who had jumped onto his bed to get away from the mouse, and we ran out of the room. I called Bert and told him, finished helping Jacks get off to school and then fed the baby (watching the floor the whole time.)  Then I got an idea to stuff a towel under the door so it would be trapped and Bert could get it when he got home.  It actually helped calm me down quite a bit to know it was trapped and not going to appear anywhere else in the house the rest of the day.  But it apparently had gotten out before I put the towel up so my sense of security was crap.  When Bert got home I sent him straight to the store for traps.  Tiff came over to visit and while she was there I spotted it again in Rylee's room when I went in to change her diaper.  I called Tiff in, put Rylee in her crib with her mobile on, grabbed a flashlight and a broom for Tiff to whack it with if it came running out, and I went to look in the closet.  I was only going to move one thing, not dig around.  Well guess what!  It was under that one thing.  It came running out at us.  I screamed again!  Which I wish I hadn't again because it freaked Rylee out and she started crying so hard!  It ran under her crib.  I would just like to mention right here that Tiff did not even try to whack it.  She jumped back and used the broom to shew it away from her.  I grabbed the baby and Tiff and I ran out of the room.  This time we put the towel under the door right away.  When Bert got home from the store he called Casey and they went in.  They were in there for over an hour and finally came out with the dead mouse.  Rylee's room was such a mess!  The bookshelves were out and leaning against the wall, the crib was in the middle of the room, and the rocking chair was lying up on top of a nightstand we have in there.  Nothing was in it's original place!

I hate mice!  I think they are so disgusting!  I didn't realize how big my fear of them was until it came running at me.  I know its small and I shouldn't be afraid of it.  So many people have told me that it is more afraid of me than I am of it.  That is up for debate!!!  I am now constantly listening for noises and checking corners and looking around for another one to appear.  The boys don't want to play in their room anymore.  This mouse has completely rocked our home life and if I never see another one I will be a happy woman!!


The Figgins said...

They are scary! I had a friend who was a vegetarian because she didn't like cruelty to animals and she beat a rat to death when it came running at her. Rodents are no joking matter!

Unknown said...

That made me laugh so hard that I have tears rolling down my face. I have heard Tiff talk about mice for the last week. I also hate mice!